Oct 08

New Challenge – This time a Hotel Challenge from SAS….

here is a much activity from SAS these weeks. No I have received another targeted mail with a invitation to participate in a Hotel challenge on how many nights I can stay at a Radisson Blu hotel in Scandinavia. The setup is the same as for flights and points are:

3 nights = 6000 points
5 nights = 12000 points
7 nights = 24000 points

It starts from October 15th to December 20th, so over 2 months.

LINK to the main page which is not active yet for general use (it might be like the other challenges):


Have anyone gotten a “better” challenge?

Sep 28

Ny side for frequent travelers og rejseinteresseret…




Den 20. oktober bliver www.bonusfeber.dk launchet. Siden vil give guides,informationer, tips og tricks om hvordan man får den bedste rejseoplevelse.

Indtil den dato kan man følge siden på Facebook på: https://www.facebook.com/bonusfeber.dk

Kig forbi og “like” siden og få allerede nu gavn af de tips og informationer som deles :-)




Sep 22

Widerøe – Use of Optiontown is possible now

Widerøe is now starting up with cooperation with Optiontown on two new offerings. The first is Empty Seat Option and the other is the Flexibility Reward Option.

More to read her (in Norwegian):



Sep 22

Revisited – a 20 min movie about Frequent Flyer and why we do it….

In 2009 Gabriel Leigh made a 20 min movie about frequent flyers and this explains very shortly why people like me are doing what they are. It is a mixture of a hobby and searching to try out premium travels to remote destinations – even if it is only for a week :-)

Look at it and see if it catches you – I am for sure in it for life :-)


Sep 11

Follow my blog on Bloglovin…

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sep 11

SAS – New Bonus Challenge – Participating Link

Now a link for everyone to participate in the Bonus Challenge:





Sep 08

SAS – New Bonus Challenge

SAS have today launched a new (targetted) Bonus Challenge. This time it is “how many roundtrip can you do from SEP16 to OCT31?”.




The different option I got was:
3 R/T = 2000 Extra Points
4 R/T = 5600 Extra Points
5 R/T = 11400 Extra Points
6 R/T = 20000 Extra Points
7 R/T = 32100 Extra Points

I will go for 6 R/T – a bit optimistic but hey it is also a challenge and I might do a segment run or use this as the perfect excuse to take my 6 month son on his first flight with us. A perfect family weekend trip :-)

Sep 07

Dagens historie på datoen 7-9-13

Dingeling sagde dørtelefonen klokken 05:30 i morgen. Stod pænt træt op og gik derud for MiniO sov og han skulle IKKE vækkes sååååå tidligt.

“Er det Henrik Olsen” sagde en mand med 2 stjerne på skulderen. “Ja” svarede jeg forsat næsten sovende. “Ja – du har haft indbrud i din bil, kommer du lige ned?” “Ja” svarede jeg og lige pludselig noget mere vågen.

Fik taget noget tøj på og vraltede ned på P-Pladsen og der stod 4 betjente, 2 patruljebiler og en gut. OG min bil ja den så sådan her ud:

IndbrudBilen - 20090907


Så ikke en god 7-9-13 dag til mig. Efter forklaring og forsøg på at huske hvad der var i bilen (svært kl 05:45 og rimelig træt efter ikke at være gået i seng tidligt for det var jo weekend).

Spurgte dem så lige hvordan de lige fandt mit navn da den jo ikke står i mit navn….. En kæk bbetjent svarede “Vi fangede dig en en ATK sidste år i denne bil, så det var let nok at gætte nu hvor den stod her”. Mit svar var knap så frisk men rimelig hurtigt trods tidspunktet “Ja så har jeg da fået ekstra god service med wakeup kald og 4 betjente udover det dårligede sort hvide billede for de 1000,- jeg betalte der” :-)

Men en lårte dag og weekend hvor den stod på flere besøg ved venner og famile plus en afhentning af seng til MiniO. Nu skal alt re-planlægges – godt man arbejde med planlægning og re-planlægning :-)

Sep 05

SAS – New membership level between PANDION and GOLD

From the latest press release and financial report Eivind Roald tells that a new refurbished EuroBonus program will kick off.

Det blir en full relansering av Eurobonus med et nytt nivå over gullkortet og mange nye fordeler, sier Eivind Roald.

(Sorry it is in Norwegian but in short it says that a new level between PANDION and GOLD will come with lots of new advantages).

Read the article here



We can only guess what this includes but level may be close to the 100.000 points per year and this may give access to the LH Senator Lounges which rumors are stating will happen soon.


Sep 02

A loooong delay at CPH today due to strike amongst the security people

The longest waiting time I have ever seen in CPH. All was closed due to a strike and pictures of people standing for over 100 meters in line.

The “waiting time” clock on the web site tells it all :-)

CPH - Security waiting time - 20130902

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